Caring for creation

Caring for Creation is at the core of Oxford Presbyterian Church’s faith practice. Our congregation extends a warm welcome to all who seek a community of learning and action at this critical time for our biosphere.

Oxford Presbyterian Church (OPC) became a certified Earth Care Congregation in 2021, building on a longstanding culture of creation care practice. Ways in which you can participate include:

Click on the posts below to see more – and share with others!

We hope you will join us as we lean into this important work.

Please contact the OPC Church office for additional information at: or 513.523.6364.

Caring for Creation links and Resources

Links from the Presbyterian Hunger Program:

Links from Presbyterians for Earth Care

Presbyterians for Earth Care main page:

Links from Presbyterians for Climate Justice

Our Caring for Creation team would like to invite you to participate in a series of conversations hosted by Presbyterian Climate Advocates held on Sundays from April 11- May 2 from 4-5:15 on the topic of “Faith and the Climate Crisis” We are hoping to have multiple attendees from OPC. Register here. You can see an inspiring presentation from Dr. Tull about her efforts to make her home “Net Zero” at this link.