101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
Eradicating Systemic Poverty (ESP)

As a Matthew 25 Congregation, Oxford Presbyterian Church discerned a call of Eradicating Systemic Poverty (ESP), and formed a team, which works to change laws, policies, plans, and structures in our society that perpetuate economic exploitation of people who are poor.
The ESP team is composed of volunteers who meet regularly and keep informed about issues related to poverty. We also communicate with our partners in the region to learn what is being done now to assist those living in poverty and plan programs that will bring about positive changes in the lives of those experiencing economic insecurity.
Click on the posts below to see more – and share with others!
- OASH (part of the Eradicating Systemic Poverty TeamHomelessness in Oxford SummaryResults of the December 2023 Point-In-time (PIT) Count Volunteers from Oxford Area Solutions for Housing (OASH) conducted a Point-in-Time (PIT) count… Read more: OASH (part of the Eradicating Systemic Poverty Team
- Eradicating Systemic Poverty – TOPSS Food PantryAs the ESP team continues to work with Sherry Martin, the director of TOPSS, she had provided us with some information about the need of… Read more: Eradicating Systemic Poverty – TOPSS Food Pantry
- Eradicating Systemic Poverty through Nutrition Education, Food Preparation, and ServiceAs stated in the ESP Mission Statement, our goal is to work to change laws, policies, plans, and structures in our society that perpetuate… Read more: Eradicating Systemic Poverty through Nutrition Education, Food Preparation, and Service
- ESP and C4C: Our Partnership Clearly RevealedOur dual missions (Eradicating Systemic Poverty and Caring for Creation) often intersect in dramatic ways. Hurricane Ian, one of devastating proportions, hit Florida’s west… Read more: ESP and C4C: Our Partnership Clearly Revealed
- Bridges out of PovertyIn August of 2021, the ESP Team sponsored a community-wide all-day Bridges out of Poverty training program, conducted by Jeff Diver, Directory of Supports… Read more: Bridges out of Poverty
- Housing on the ContinuumIn the fall of 2021, the ESP Team asked a group of Oxford citizens, including members of Oxford Presbyterian Church, government officials, and social… Read more: Housing on the Continuum
- The High Costs of Housing and Some Answers as to WhyAs is clear to many of us, inflation impacts all income groups, although those with less income always suffer the most since they have… Read more: The High Costs of Housing and Some Answers as to Why
We hope you will join us as we lean into this important work.
Please contact the OPC Church office for additional information at: office@oxfordpresbychurch.org or 513.523.6364.