Facility Usage

Please review the facility guidelines below, then download the appropriate form, print and fill out the facility usage request form (.pdf) and return it to the Church office.

Memorial Facility Use Guidelines
October 2016

  1. Groups will be responsible for any damage to church facilities or property caused by misuse, negligence, or carelessness.
  2. Should there be a spill, please clean floor immediately. Tile floors should be wiped up of any liquids or food. Carpeted floors should be blotted with water soaked paper towels and dried with paper towels. Please notify OPC of the location of the spill so it can be given attention. If it is after hours, please leave a note on the door to the church office explaining the situation. Liquid and/or food is not permitted in the sanctuary.
  3. Use of the organ and piano in the sanctuary is restricted, and requests for use should be made through the Director of Music. Unauthorized use may result in loss of building use privileges and/or charges for restoration and maintenance.
  4. Any Audio/Visual or Sound equipment requested must be included on your Building Use Request Form. Only individuals trained on A/V and Sound equipment at OPC will be permitted to operate and handle equipment and systems. Church ministries seeking to use equipment and systems should speak with the Trustees for training. Fees for use and/or operators will be determined at the time of request approval. Unauthorized use or access to OPC sound or video equipment may result in charges and/or prohibition from future building use. Any groups using A/V equipment with permission assume liability for costs of repair/replacement in the event of damage or if returned in non-working condition.
  5. Groups using outdoor areas are responsible for keeping the grounds clean and free of trash, bottles containers, and papers.
  6. When children attend an event, they must be under the control of their parents or adults at all times and are not permitted to roam freely on church property.
  7. Rental or use of church rooms does NOT imply permission to use the preschool, nursery and/or Sunday School rooms for children. These rooms are also governed by Building Use Request Form. Additional usage and cleaning fees will be assessed to the responsible party if other facilities are used without authorization.
  8. In all cases, groups must vacate the building by 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise approved during the building use request process.
  9. Tables, chairs, and/or other furnishings used are to be returned to their original places. Any debris on floor or tables must be cleared away and rooms used left in good condition. Any material used must be replaced in its proper storage area or taken with you. Restrooms are to be left clean.
  10. Bathrooms are to be inspected for cleanliness or plugged toilets.
  11. Trash must be disposed of by collecting it in garbage bags. Bags should be tied off and placed in the dumpster located in Memorial alley (northeast corner of the building).
  12. When you are finished please:
    1. Check for running water
    2. Turn off appliances (fans, coffee maker)
    3. Turn out lights
    4. Insure that doors are locked.

Seminary Facility Use Guidelines
October 2016

  1. Groups will be responsible for any damage to church facilities or property caused by misuse, negligence, or carelessness.
  2. Please turn out lights and turn off appliances (fans, coffee maker) when you are finished.
  3. Should there be a spill, please clean floor immediately. Tile floors should be wiped up of any liquids or food. Carpeted floors should be blotted with water soaked paper towels and dried with paper towels. Please notify OPC of the location of the spill so it can be given attention. If it is after hours, please call the church office at 523-6364 to explain the situation.
  4. Any Audio/Visual or Sound equipment requested must be included on your Building Use Request Form. Only individuals trained on A/V and Sound equipment at OPC will be permitted to operate and handle equipment and systems. Church ministries seeking to use equipment and systems should speak with the Trustees for training. Fees for use and/or operators will be determined at the time of request approval. Unauthorized use or access to OPC sound or video equipment may result in charges and/or prohibition from future building use. Any groups using A/V equipment with permission assume liability for costs of repair/replacement in the event of damage or if returned in non-working condition.
  5. Groups using outdoor areas are responsible for keeping the grounds clean and free of trash, bottles, containers, and papers.
  6. When children attend an event, they must be under the control of their parents or adults at all times and are not permitted to roam freely on church property.
  7. In all cases, groups must vacate the building by 10:00 p.m., unless otherwise approved during the building use request process.
  8. Tables, chairs, and/or other furnishings used are to be returned to their original places. Any debris on floor or tables must be cleared away and rooms used left in good condition. Any material used must be replaced in its proper storage area or taken with you. Restrooms are to be left clean.
  9. Bathrooms are to be inspected for cleanliness or plugged toilets.
  10. Trash must be disposed of by collecting it in garbage bags. Bags should be tied off and placed in the dumpster located in the alley behind the building.
  11. When you are finished please:
    1. Check for running water
    2. Turn off appliances (fans, coffee maker)
    3. Turn out lights