“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16

An annual budget underwrites the activities that maintain and advance God’s work and we welcome your gifts to support OPC’s ministry. God will activate all our gifts as we respond to His call to commit our lives to Christ’s service in the church, community, and the world.

There are many opportunities for giving at Oxford Presbyterian Church. First, we give our hearts to Christ and commit our lives to Christ’s service in the church, community, and world. This site describes many ways we give ourselves in worship and service. The ministry of the church is also supported by the faithful financial giving of the congregation to the general budget and to special causes.

The Church Budget provides for the many programs and mission of the church. Members of the church are encouraged to make an annual pledge to Christ’s mission through OPC.

How can I contribute?

You may mail your gift via personal check to Oxford Presbyterian Church, 101 N Main St., Oxford, OH 45056. If you would like to make your gifts on a regular basis, we will send you offering envelopes to facilitate your personal schedule. Please request the envelopes by calling the church office at 513 523-6364 or by sending an email to office@oxfordpresbychurch.org.

Alternatively, you may use one of the following methods of giving:

Click here to go to our  “Online Giving” page.

To give via text message, text opc1825 and your designated amount to 73256. For example, text “opc1825 25″ to 73256 for an offering of $25 and follow the prompt.

QR Code
To give via QR, scan the code in the image below with the camera of your mobile phone and then follow the brief prompts.

Additional Opportunities for Giving

You may also wish to give to support a variety of unique needs not covered by our operating budget.

Special Gifts Program

The special gifts program was established as an avenue for giving which extends beyond ongoing pledge obligations and weekly offerings. Thanksgiving gifts (up to $1,000) might be given in memory of or in honor of an individual or in recognition of a special occasion such as a birthday, wedding, etc. Major gifts (over $1,000) are typically extended for special needs that cannot be supported via our operating budget. These gifts are typically guided by the Wish List which details opportunities for extended giving and can be provided in the church office or from the special gifts coordinator. Major gifts may also be given in memory of or in honor of an individual and gifts of $10,000 or more can be defined as a named fund within our endowment.

Special gifts may take the form of cash donations (check), gifts of stocks or securities, gifts-in-kind, or bequests. Those considering a major gift may contact Bill King, special gifts coordinator, by phone at (513) 720-7345 or by email (kingwl@miamioh.edu). Donors may also contact the church office by calling (513) 523-6364.

Designated Funds

Several opportunities exist to provide directed support for designated needs within our church, our community and our world such as:

  • One Great Hour of Sharing (World Relief)
  • Christmas Joy Offering
  • Covid19 Emergency Outreach
  • Choir Intern Fund
  • Special Music Fund
  • Pastor’s Discretionary Fund
  • Deacon’s Food Drive
  • Flowers and Seasonal Decorations

If you would like to donate to a designated fund you may direct your gift via the online giving form.

Per Capita Contribution

Per Capita is a set amount of money (apportionment) per member that congregations pay to the Presbyterian Church (USA) for the benefit of haring expenses associated with the area Presbytery and Synod and the General Assembly for governance and performance of functions that are essential to the missions of the local congregations. Each year, Oxford Presbyterian Church asks its members to consider donating the member’s per capita share. In 2025, each member’s per capita share is $54.24.

Click here to go to the online giving form: “Online Giving” page.