101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org

Ministry of our Session Members (Elders)
The elders of the Presbyterian Church are a group of individuals chosen and elected to their positions by the people of the church.
Together with the ministers, the elders exercise leadership, government, and discipline and have responsibilities for the life of their church as well as the church at large.
They serve faithfully as members of the Session. Elders are persons of faith, dedication, and good judgment. Their manner of life is a demonstration of the Christian gospel, both within the church and in the world.
It is the duty of elders to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation committed to their charge. The Session is responsible for the total program in the local church and is the final authority in the local church.
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Current Session Members
Class of 2025
Jenny Bailer
Katie Curry
Guy McElroy
Marcia Perry
Judy Schiller
Class of 2026
Noel Albarrán
Rich Drewes
Mike Murray
Jenn Walter
David Woods
Class of 2027
Pat Gifford
Patricia Nespor
Katy Rasche
Mike Rudolph
Dic Worcester
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Standing Committees of Session
Worship & Music
In conjunction with the pastor, this committee is responsible for all aspects of the worship of God by the people in the Oxford Presbyterian Church, including the preaching of the word, the sharing of the Sacraments, the sequence and proportion of the various parts of public worship and music program. Responsibilities include:
- preparing communion; assigning elders and deacons to serve communion
- working with Music Director to support and enhance the quality of music programs
- coordinating flowers for worship services and decorating for special services
- coordinating, with pastoral staff and Diaconate, policies and procedures for weddings
- responding to needs created by other special worship ceremonies
Christian Education
This committee supports the continuing Christian education of children, youth, college students, and adults. Responsibilities include:
- leadership of recruiting and training teachers, superintendent, Christian Education Director, grant-in-aid students, and nursery attendants
- selecting Church school curriculum, developing curriculum and teaching aids for classes and special church seasons
- supporting camp attendance and field trips
- coordinating participation in community vacation bible school
- sponsoring fellowship activities for middle and senior high schoolers
- providing liaison to Christian Cooperative Nursery School
Mission & Outreach
This committee plans mission activities and programs for the congregation, raising the mission consciousness of the church. Responsibilities include:
- distributing the general mission budget, the designated mission budget and the income from other mission funds to groups within and outside the church (local, national, international)
- educating the congregation about mission
- providing opportunities for the congregation to participate in hand on mission and outreach projects
- responding to local and world disaster relief (hygiene kits for Haiti) through
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- liaison with international church partnerships in Russia and Colombia
Stewardship & Finance
This committee is charged with the financial management of the church, the financial stewardship program, and personnel matters. The church treasurer is also a member of this committee. The pastor and Facility and Finance Administrator are ex-officio members. Responsibilities include:
- recommending policy and procedures for financial management to the session
- creating the annual budget
- coordinating annual stewardship campaign
- managing the investment of endowment funds
- recommending to session personnel policy and procedures and staff compensation
- subcommittees include Personnel and Planned Gifts
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- The Office of the General Assembly. Book of Order, The Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (US.A.), 2009-2010. Louisville: The Office of the General Assembly, 2009.
- The Oxford Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Session Standing Rules. Oxford, OH: Oxford Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), May, 2002.
- The Oxford Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Oxford Presbyterian Church 2010 Annual Report. Oxford, OH: Oxford Presbyterian Church, January 30, 2010.
Board of Trustees duties and responsibilities
Trustees are responsible for overseeing major maintenance and improvements made to the church properties. Responsibilities are as follows:
- receive, hold, encumber, manage, and transfer property, real or personal, for the church
- accept and execute deeds of title to such property
- manage any endowment funds for the furtherance of the purposes of the church, to include having discretionary investment authority of the endowment assets
- all of the above are subject to the approval of the Session and under the provision of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), provided further that in buying, selling, leasing and mortgaging real property, the trustees shall act only after the approval of the Congregation granted at a duly constituted meeting.
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Current Trustees
Class of 2025
John Bailer
Paul Huston
Class of 2026
Dave Kraushar
Sterling Williams
Class of 2027
John Curry
Susan Scheib
Standing Committee
Endowment Investment & Management Committee
The Endowment Investment and Management Committee oversees the church’s endowment and other investments by implementing “The Endowment Policy Statement of Oxford Presbyterian Church”, as approved by the Board of Trustees and the Session and to ensure that this plan is followed. The committee reports directly to the Trustees and will submit to the Congregation in the Church’s annual report a statement of activities relating to implementing this policy.
Ministry of our Board of Deacons
The Deacons’ ministry is to show the love of Jesus Christ to the church and the community. Individuals ordained as Deacons are persons of spiritual character that exhibit traits of honesty, caring, love, and compassion. Their hearts go out to members of the congregation and community who are in distress and to all people who would benefit from experiencing the love of God in concrete ways.
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Current Board of Deacons
Class of 2025
Chuck Crain
Libby Huston
Gloria McElroy
Mary Jane Roberts
Carol Schaber
Class of 2026
Steve Flee
Debby Kelly
Gwen Pietzuch
Ginny Scott
Karen Shearer
Class of 2027
Lynn Cronk
Debbie DeGennaro
Stephanie Hartman
Marty Miller
Paulette Worcester
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Committees of the Board of Deacons
Angel List
Angels are members of the congregation who are no longer able to attend worship services at the church. Members attend to the special needs of our church Angels. Activities include:
- visit with Angels
- run errands for Angels when needed
- send cards of greetings to Angels
Blood Assurance
Members assure that blood drives are held at the Seminary Church as needed. Activities include:
- coordinate blood drive arrangements with Hoxworth Blood Center
- organize and publicize blood drives
Food Drive
Members work with the Oxford Community Choice Pantry (OCCP). Activities include:
- seek donations on an ongoing basis and in times of greater need
- educate the congregation regarding food drive needs
- deliver monthly donations to the OCCP
Kindness Fund
Members work to bring cheer to those members in need. Activities include:
- arrange for and/or deliver flower arrangements, plants or balloons.
Kroger Fund Project
Members use funds generated through the Kroger Gift Card fundraiser. Activities include:
- shop for the Oxford Community Choice Pantry
- provide funds for various local mission projects
Octogenarians & Caring Cards Mission
Show special care to and greetings of church members who are over 80 years. Activities include:
- send Birthday cards
- deliver Christmas and Easter greetings
- arrange for special greetings from the White House and state of Ohio
Prayer Line
The Prayer Line is maintained by a deacon in order to see that all in need of prayer receive prayer. Activities include:
- receive prayer requests from staff and members and communicate the requests through e-mail and phone ministries
- pray for all, without ceasing
Prayer Shawls
Prayer Shawls are made and given to those in need of care and spiritual healing. Activities include:
- recruit crafters in the congregation to knit shawls
- distribute shawls as needed
Santavicca Christian Ministry Scholarship Fund
Annually a scholarship is given to a Seminary student. Activities include:
- receive applications
- review applications
- make scholarship recommendations
Stress & Concern
Members provide meals to families that have a new baby, experiencing a medical crisis or extreme stress or mourning the loss of a loved one. Activities include:
- organize and oversee receptions after a funeral or memorial service
- along with committee members, recruit other church members to prepare dinners for families or provide food for receptions
- distribute dinners as needed
Wedding Hostesses
Wedding Hostesses work with bridal couples to see that their wedding at the church goes as smoothly as possible. Activities include:
- attend the rehearsal and organize and direct the wedding party
- be present at the wedding as a resource person from the church
Special Projects
Special Projects are those that are not undertaken by other committees. Activities include:
- work with the church and community to determine special needs
- recruit and organize members in order to carry out special projects
- be and ever-attentive ear in order to listen for what may be a need that isn’t currently being met examples include care packages for armed services personnel, grief workshops ,and goodie bags for students before exam week.
Do you shop at Kroger’s and have a Kroger Plus Card? If so you can help the Deacons of the Oxford Presbyterian Church reach out to those in need in our church and community. Here’s how! To participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, one must have a Kroger Plus Card and a Kroger.com account, and will have to register with the Rewards Program. To sign up for the Rewards Program:
- Go to Kroger.com
- Click on “Community”
- Click on “Kroger Community Rewards”
- Click on “Create an Account” (if you do not have one) OR Click on “Click Here to sign in”
- Either way, once enrolled, select Oxford Presbyterian Church as the recipient of Kroger’s donations. Our organization ID # is KT661
Church Officer Training
For those who have accepted the call to be an officer in the church, we offer special training. These classes are intended to explain the duties of the offices and the expectations of the officers. They also offer an opportunity to discuss the responsibilities and to ask questions. For more information about church officer training email office@oxfordpresbychurch.org or call the church office, (513) 523-6364.