Learning with Us

We integrate Creation Care into our Christian Education programming for all ages and stages– from preschool to adult Christian Education.

  • Early childhood: check out our wonderful Sunday School videos from teachers Rhonda Kraebil and Jean Walter (many of which connect with a creation care theme) here.
  • Confirmation: Our confirmation curriculum includes a focus on Caring for Creation as youth work toward their statements of faith and the spiritual transition to adulthood
  • Youth Ministry: Our youth group includes multiple opportunities to engage in creation care activities (litter removal, invasive plant removal, Trees for Life program). Find out more about our youth ministry here.
  • Campus Ministry: Our Campus Ministry students are engaged in a book discussion group entitled ‘Worldchanging 101.’ This series has explored, among other topics, effective advocacy and personal daily practices for environmental sustainability in our community and in our lives.
  • Adult Education: 2021 opportunities include our Lenten Podcast series on creation care (info here), an opportunity to read along with Rebecca Barnes-Davies’ book “50 Ways to Help Save the Earth How You and Your Church Can Make a Difference” in our OPC Newsletter throughout 2021. You can read our introduction to the book here. Copies of the book are available for pickup in the Church office, among others. Adult education opportunities are regularly published in the “Voice from Church and Main” newsletter
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