101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
Music at Oxford Presbyterian

Music is an integral and inspirational aspect of our worship experience at Oxford Presbyterian Church. The Chancel Choir and Handbell Ensemble provide two avenues by which members may contribute their time, energy, and musical talent in response to the psalmists’ entreaty to “Make a joyful noise unto the Lord.” In addition to the contributions of these ongoing ensembles, our musical ministry also incorporates musicians from other sources including our congregation’s youth as well as local musicians, both instrumental and vocal, to celebrate special observances of the liturgical calendar.
Our Choir & Music Opportunities
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir provides music for our Sunday worship services. The mission of this group is to enhance the worship experience by providing musical selections that complement the topical themes of the worship service by highlighting or magnifying the messages contained in the sermon or Scripture reading as well as coordinating with seasonal or liturgical observances of the church calendar. Led by our musical director Kent Peterson and accompanied by our organist Lynn Jacobs, the Chancel Choir presents a diverse body of repertoire in order to enhance the aesthetic element of our worship together. Rehearsal is held in the second floor Geneva Room on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30pm and again on Sunday in the Sanctuary at 9:00am. For more information, please call the church office at (513) 523-6364. Participation in the Chancel Choir is a genuinely rewarding experience both musically and socially. We learn and perform a great deal of music throughout the year in a community of committed singers notable for both their camaraderie and dedication. All wishing to express their faith through singing are heartily welcomed and encouraged to join the Chancel Choir.
Handbell Ensemble
The Handbell Ensemble operates on a more ad hoc basis than the Chancel Choir both in terms of rehearsal and performance. Given the particular demands required to successfully learn and perform handbell music, interested members should possess a solid background of musical training especially in terms of music reading and the mastery of musical meter and counting. The sound of handbell music is both at once enchanting and magical. All those who are confident in their musical reading skills are heartily invited to consider joining this Ensemble.
Special Music
Thanks to the appreciation and generosity of our congregation, a dedicated revenue source known as the Special Music Fund has been established to further augment and enhance the music ministry of Oxford Presbyterian Church. As a result of this resource, we have been blessed to commemorate special worship occasions with the inclusion of instrumentalists and vocalists drawn from both members of our congregation as well as from the Oxford community including student musicians from Miami University, Talawanda High School, and local professional musicians. In recent years the sounds of brass quintets, string quartets, remarkable vocal and instrumental soloists and even a bagpiper have graced our Sanctuary in offering up sonic prayer through their musical offerings. Should you wish to participate in future special worship services in this manner, please contact the church office via email at office@oxfordpresbychurch.org or call the church office at (513) 523-6364.