101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
OASH (part of the Eradicating Systemic Poverty Team
Homelessness in Oxford Summary
Results of the December 2023 Point-In-time (PIT) Count
Volunteers from Oxford Area Solutions for Housing (OASH) conducted a Point-in-Time (PIT) count of those persons experiencing homelessness during the week of December 11, 2023.
The goal of the Oxford PIT was three-fold:
- to learn the scope and significance of homelessness
- to begin to understand the humanity of those persons identified and what may have led to their homelessness
- to ensure that future response and prevention activities are targeted to effectively address specific needs identified
Volunteers were trained using established methods developed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Persons were identified via social service agencies, shelters, schools, courts and through onsite visits to camps. Incentives were offered to all persons identified (backpacks filled with supplies as well as retail gift cards). Detailed interviews were conducted with those who chose to participate (voluntary).
This PIT count identified 96 individuals experiencing homelessness. Thirty-six met the school district definition (McKinney-Vento). Of those, 16 were children, and 20 were adults. The remaining 56 adults and 4 children met the HUD definition for homelessness.
Using the HUD questionnaire for voluntary interviews of a subset of the 60 HUD qualifying individuals, the following information was learned:
- Ages ranged from <18 to 55+ with the majority 25-54.
- The majority were male and white.
- When asked where they slept last night, 35 of 60 reported sleeping in vehicles, or with family or friends.
- Ten individuals reported being in a shelter or on the street for 3 years or more of the last 3 years. Two persons reported being in a shelter or on the street for 2-3 of the last 3 years. Eight reported being in a shelter or on the street for less than 1 of the last 3 years.
- Most persons interviewed identified more than just a few areas of “struggle”. Mental health, health, disabled, drugs and alcohol were reported with the highest frequency. Over half of the individuals interviewed struggled in multiple areas at the same time.
Conducting a PIT presents numerous challenges including finding and interviewing those experiencing homelessness, training and recruiting volunteers, gathering and packing supplies for incentives, and finally, analyzing imperfect data. The information gained will be invaluable in learning about homelessness, and in planning appropriate activities to respond to and prevent homelessness in the future.