101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.” Hebrews 13:16
We serve as one body in Christ but we each bring unique gifts that God has provided to that service. We are all joined together to each other as different parts addressing different functions.
We hope that you have reflected prayerfully as you determined your pledge for the coming year. As we consider the blessings we have been given, the suffering and needs of others and the opportunities we all have to make a difference, we know that the scriptures assure that God will activate our gifts in the year ahead!
How to submit your pledge
If you have not submitted your 2025 pledge by returning the pledge card in person or by mail, you may pledge via email or by downloading the pledge form from your computer.
By sending an email
In an email, please provide the following information.
I (we) make the following commitment for 2025.
Total pledge for 2025 $________________
(This commitment may be revised at any time at your request)
Name ________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________
Phone _(____)__________________________________
Email _________________________________________
Please answer the following questions
- How do you plan to give?
– weekly
– monthly
– quarterly - Does the church have your permission to e-mail your quarterly contribution statement?
- Would you like to have more information on online giving or text giving?
- Would you like a box of offering envelopes?
- How do you plan to give?
Send the email to: finance@oxfordpresbychurch.org
By downloading a pledge form from your computer
You may download and save the pledge form, then complete and return it to the church in one of the following ways:
- Fill out the form electronically, save your updated form with your last name and send as an email attachment to finance@oxfordpresbychurch.org
- Print the form, fill it out manually, and mail it to the church.
- Attn: Financial Secretary.
Oxford Presbyterian Church
101 North Main Street
Oxford, OH 45056
- Attn: Financial Secretary.
Learn more about how you can contribute on our Stewardship page.