101 North Main Street, Oxford, OH 45056 | 513-523-6364 | office@oxfordpresbychurch.org

Special Events
As opportunities present themselves we come together for special events; those that are not regularly scheduled throughout the year but that we enjoy and engage in together. These extra-ordinary times together have included:
- After-church Gatherings and Discussion Panels
- All-church Talent Show & Pot-luck Dinner
- Christmas Caroling
- Christmas Tea
- Cookie Walk and Craft Sale
- Fall Women’s Gathering
- International Dinner Celebration with AFS students from Talawanda Schools
- Presbytery Youth Retreats
- Rummage (pronounced roo-maj ::smile::)/Boutique Sales
- Souper Bowl Subs and Offering of Caring
- Spring Women’s Gathering
- Welcome Back Picnic
- Youth Sunday
And more! That’s up to you.
For more information on how to get involved in Special Events, check our Calendar, email office@oxfordpresbychurch.org or call the church office, (513) 523-6364.